Ricardo Amaro Hernandez, Army Veteran, IABC Certified Biblical Counselor
Ricardo has been married for 33 years and has 2 children and 2 grandchildren.
He is U.S. Army retired and worked as a Helicopter mechanic, CH47.
He has a passion for leading people to Christ and for showing fellow Christians how understanding the Sufficiency of Scripture and the application of Scripture are vital for our everyday lives.
Ricardo graduated from the A/G School of Ministry in 2005 but quickly realized he was not properly equipped to biblically counsel his fellow believers. He then completed biblical counseling training with Master’s International Divinity School and got Certified with IABC where he served as the North Carolina mentor for a year and continues to counsel in different churches since 2010.
He joined TILBCC Counseling center and training center in 2019 to continue his studies in Biblical Counseling where he is also the East Coast Counselor and just completed the Level Two training.
This year he was able to join Fallen Soldiers March as one of the Certified Biblical Counselors.
Ricardo is excited to be able to help not only his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ find freedom and growth through Scripture as well as his extended Military family
He understands firsthand the struggles of our Military and First Responder communities and their need for sound Godly advice and counsel.
"Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!"
In Him,
Rick Amaro