Fallen Soldiers March®

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A 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Dedicated to
Providing Certified Biblical Counseling
and Veteran Advocacy

Pastor Nathan Irving, USMC SGT Veteran

Pastor Nathan Irving, USMC SGT Veteran

Nathan Irving joined the Fallen Soldiers March, because FSM offers something to military members, veterans, and first-responders that is very difficult to find—truth. In a world of uncertainties, where opinions and philosophies abound, truth is the greatest currency; and the Bible has a monopoly.

FSM seeks to direct its clients to the One who is the Truth—Jesus Christ. Without him, there is no hope; with Him, there is no fear.

Nathan lives in Myrtle Springs, TX. He was born and raised in Western NY. By God’s grace, he was saved when he was twelve years old.

He joined the Marine Corps in December, 2006, married his beautiful bride in September, 2007, and deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action in Iraq.

He earned his BA in Biblical Studies and Ministry, obtained certification through the International Association of Biblical Counselors and later through the Fellowship of Biblical Counselors. He now serves Brookside Baptist Church as an Elder. He and his wife Tracy have six children.

Nathan knows firsthand the struggles of military life and combat experience. But he also knows that God’s Word is sufficient, and Christ is a great Savior. In Him is life, hope, joy, and peace. And it is to Him, that Nathan desires to spend the rest of his life directing others.

For the glory of God alone.

Pastor Nathan Irving
USMC SGT Veteran 
Three Tours Machine Gunner - Purple Heart Recipient
Two Tours Iraq
One Tour Afghanistan


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