Scripture in Crisis Intervention
An Introduction to Suffering and Crisis by Scotty Cameron, Jr. Nouthetic Counselor Not one person is exempt from suffering. Disease, war, acts of terrorism, and natural disasters are only a few of the major events that ravage mankind the world over. Large-scale trauma incidents induce direct and widespread suffering to mass populations and vicarious […]
Suicide, A False Escape
Fallen Soldiers March has been approached by Navy Seal Team members to write for FSM's Quarterly Newsletter when inspired, time allows and anonymity is protected. They will use the pseudonym "The Chief". This is their second contribution and we look forward to their future contributions. by "The Chief," Chief Petty Officer, SEAL One of the […]
Behind Satan’s Covert Operations: A Psychologized Gospel
by Pastor Jeff Jackson, ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor You’ve probably heard of it; they’ve made a couple of movies about it—even a musical—and it’s now known as one of the most successful acts of deception and misdirection in modern military warfare. They called it Operation Mincemeat, a somewhat dubious appellation considering that the central feature […]
Christian Lament
by Pastor Kevin Arnold, USAF Veteran & ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor God is good, but life is sometimes hard. Especially when tragedy strikes. What to do for ourselves and others in deep pain is difficult to determine, for suffering and grief can be paralyzing and overwhelming. What can you do when life brings you or […]
Overcoming Survivor’s Guilt by OIF Veteran
by OIF Veteran SGT Anina Blakenship Working with Kathryn Custer, an IABC Certified Biblical Counselor of Fallen Soldiers March (FSM), has been a blessing. I’m truly thankful. I had been searching for quite some time to find a therapy that would heal the wounds I felt so deeply within. During my tour to Baghdad, Iraq, […]
Special Operations Is Different—and It Isn’t
Fallen Soldiers March has been approached by Navy Seal Team members to write for FSM's Quarterly Newsletter when inspired, time allows and anonymity is protected. They will use the pseudonym "The Chief". We hope you enjoy their first submission and we look forward to their future contributions. by "The Chief," Chief Petty Officer, SEAL Special […]
Considering Moral Injury – Thoughts from the 2024 World Congress on Moral Injury, Trauma, Spirituality, and Healing
By Pat Devine, Chaplain, US Army (Retired) In March, I attended the 2024 World Congress on Moral Injury, Trauma, Spirituality, and Healing hosted virtually by The Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science. I wanted to understand better the current research and beliefs about behaviors associated with the syndrome labeled "moral […]
Priests in the Garden, Zombies in the Wilderness, and Prophets on the Wall
The Current State of the Contemporary Biblical Counseling Movement by Dr. Heath Lambert Fallen Soldiers March (FSM) obtained permission to share this article by Dr. Heath Lambert. Dr. Heath Lambert talks about the current state of the Biblical Counseling Movement, and the need for Scripture alone to be sufficient in all areas of counseling. FSM […]
Running From the Past Towards a Mirage of Happiness
by Anonymous USAF Active Duty Master Sergeant - Epilogue written by Paul Tautges ACBC & IABC Certified Biblical Counselor As a rebellious sinner, I ran from the God of grace. I’d grown up going to church weekly, but the deception and brokenness of my heart kept me from truly believing, and in our home, God […]
Attack Battalion Discipleship Kindles Biblical Soul Care
by Nathanael Logan, Army Chaplain, ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor I want to give you a small taste of what biblical soul care looks like in an Army attack battalion. Over the years as an Army chaplain, I’ve observed changes as a whole and, of course, with inner unit culture. Each aspect presents unique challenges to […]
My Brother, My Hero
by Dr. Julie Ganschow, ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor I’m the youngest child in my family, and there’s quite an age difference between me and my siblings, one of whom is my only brother. I have very few memories of him from my childhood. I barely recall when he took his girlfriend to the prom, and […]
Chaplaincy Today and Its Prospects
by Pastor Richard DeFord, MDiv, BCC/BCPC What is a chaplain? Frequently, I’m asked this question as a chaplain delivering care in a healthcare and hospice context. What’s very troubling is the continual leftward move from the definition of chaplain. While chaplains were initially Christian clergy offering soul care to individuals in war, coming face-to-face with […]