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Providing Certified Biblical Counseling
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Making A Spiritual Impact

Making A Spiritual Impact

by Pastor Rick Burns, U.S. Army Combat Veteran

Making a Spiritual Impact
(Psalm 139)

Like many others, I want to be a difference maker—as an American, as a Christian, and as a veteran. I want to make an impact on the lives of others.

Looking throughout the Scriptures and at people in our world today who make the deepest godly impact on others, I discovered three characteristics they have in common. Psalm 139 highlights them perfectly.

Recognition of the Power, Presence, and Awesomeness of a Sovereign God

In verses 1–18 of Psalm 139, David recognizes the power, presence and awesomeness of a sovereign God. Take a look at these verses. Notice how they outline God’s omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. See how they declare the perfection in His creation.

Verses 12–15 speak of a masterpiece, incredible woven and meticulously crafted by the hands of God.

That perfect tapestry is you and me. Until we can see God in all His beauty, perfection, glory, and majesty and believe He has designed us to fulfill a special purpose, we will never have a spiritual impact on the world around us. Every gift and characteristic He gave each of us was intentional. He is sovereign.

I’m not just a child of God, as if that weren’t enough, but I am also a creation of Almighty God. He is AWESOME! I want to know Him more! I want to be filled with all He has for me.

Until you’ve been impacted BY HIM, you will never be impactful FOR HIM.

A Hatred of Sin and Wickedness

Great spiritual leaders who have affected the world we live in by making a godly difference hate sin and wickedness.

In Psalms 139:19–22, David declares a hatred for the works of evil. This was what motivated him to face Goliath in the valley with nothing more than a slingshot and a few stones. He was genuinely disturbed by the sin of the Philistines.

When we first recognize the power, presence, and awesomeness of our sovereign God and begin to know Him and His character, we will desire to please Him, which in turn will build within us a deep hatred for anything that offends Him.

"I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes" (Psalm 101:3 KVJ). How often do we hate sin enough to make this bold claim? Can you set this verse in front of your TV set or add it to your computer or your cellphone?

Too often we invite the very things that offend Almighty God into our lives in the name of entertainment. God is not impressed with sinful entertainment and neither should we be.

We will never make a genuine IMPACT ON this world, if we are too busy being IMPACTED BY this world.

A Release of Complete Control to Almighty God

The third characteristic of people who make a godly impact on the world is this: they release complete control to Almighty God.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24 KJV

In final verses of Psalm 139, David uses five words to show his surrender to God’s authority and will.

SEARCH me: Thoroughly penetrate my being. Expose even the faults that I have forgotten or have failed to recognize.

KNOW me: Observe all I do and advise me.

TRY me: Investigate and examine my motives and intentions.

SEE me: Behold everything as though I stand naked before you—nothing to hide and nowhere to hide it.

LEAD me: Guide, govern, and gather me back when I walk the wrong path.

Those are some serious words of surrender, obedience, and observance of the Lord’s sovereignty.

If we are to make an impact for Christ, His will must impact and overcome our will.

Are You There Yet?

Are you prepared to begin making a godly impact?

I know I’m still working on it, but this is my desire . . . to behold His majesty and holiness to the point where, in complete obedience, I despise what He despises and love what He loves. To recognize that He designed me to fulfill a plan. To release all control to Him.

We were made to make an impact for Christ. Light makes an impact on darkness, and we are called to be light in this dark world. We impact the lost through the light of Jesus shining out of us.

I don’t know where you stand, but I want to make an IMPACT for CHRIST everywhere I go and on everyone I am with . . . fellow veterans, family, friends, and even strangers.
. . . . .
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