Fallen Soldiers March®

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A 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Dedicated to
Providing Certified Biblical Counseling
and Veteran Advocacy

Priests in the Garden, Zombies in the Wilderness, and Prophets on the Wall

Priests in the Garden, Zombies in the Wilderness, and Prophets on the Wall

The Current State of the Contemporary Biblical Counseling Movement by Dr. Heath Lambert

Fallen Soldiers March (FSM) obtained permission to share this article by Dr. Heath Lambert. Dr. Heath Lambert talks about the current state of the Biblical Counseling Movement, and the need for Scripture alone to be sufficient in all areas of counseling. 

FSM has seen first hand the effects of integrationism on the practice of Biblical Counseling, and fully supports the Sufficiency of Scripture that is required for true Biblical Soul Care.

The contemporary biblical counseling movement is in a significant state of transition. After a half-century of development and growth, most of the established leaders are gone, and newer ones are seeking to influence the contemporary conversation. At this very moment, our movement is discerning whose voices will be dominant and which institutions and organizations will have future influence.

The voices in this transition are not neutral. One side is urging us to use this time of transition to rediscover our past and be faithful to the principles that have defined our movement since its founding. Another side would have us move away from our past convictions and embrace beliefs very different from the ones espoused by the bright lights of our movement.

- Click to Read More -

Please note - the link above will take you directly to the post and video at First Baptist Church, Jacksonville.


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is a certified Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) charity.
Designate ID #59846 / Fallen Soldiers March.



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